My take on news in the region:
In Guam, the on-going saga of priests and boys... A recent article says "Former priest photographed 50 altar boys and their private parts." That's interesting to think, 50! He must have lured them there with candies, money? Or maybe he had a hidden camera in the altar boy locker room. Whatever the case, I hope his next reincarnation is as an altar boy.
Over in Saipan, they want to double their medical referral budget,
Good luck Saipan! We all need to take care of our people who are referred when our local hospitals are unable to assist.
Got me thinking of our Lt Gov. in Pohnpei who donated 40 per cent of his salary to uninsured citizens for off-island referrals (next Kpress issue). What a guy!
Over in Palau, a Kiwi was the topic of conversation at a recent OEK hearing. Ms Claire Harvey from the National Development Bank of Palau wore a sleeveless dress!! How many of us were treated the same way in the mainland US, Hawaii and Guam? Forgive the lady for she knows not that she offended.
While we're still talking about Palau, how about their new organic greenhouse? Financed to the tune of $500,000 by the Chinese? Great projects are waiting those who are bold enough to dream and apply... Step right up,choose a donor, any donor!
Here's something from last week, 7 million Pacific Islanders have no electricity . Only 20 percent of households in the Pacific have power. I know many areas of Chuuk don't have any power, all the outer islands of FSM... The article says significant investment is needed, but the environment has not favoured private-sector participation in energy development. Nail hit on the head. Thank you.
The government itself cannot solve all of our problems. Their job is to create and maintain the environment that favors private-sector participation in ALL areas, that encourages citizen to participate. Well, at least that's what I think :)
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