Sunday, 11 September 2016

FSM on the Rise... Guam a territory.

The 47th Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat's Leaders meeting is done!


FSM President Pete Christian chaired this year's meeting.  Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull and New Zealand PM John Key both showed up.  It was an international affair! 

Neighboring RMI President Hilda Heine was also present.

Christian caused a stir when he 'excused' the media on the first day of the Forum. 

Later on, at the site of the Leaders retreat with New Zealand PM John Key, Pete Christian approached the media and asked,
"Which one of you got mad when I asked the media to leave?"
No one said a word.  He was of course, just joking. 

It was a great time to be in Pohnpei.  School was out, new people were everywhere, motorcades were racing back and forth with sounds of motorcycles and sirens filling the air, and people were proud to be a nation among nations. 

Somebody asked me, why are they all here?  I answered it's the 47th Pacific Island Leaders Forum.  He said 'Wei eh?  Pohnpei is really important', then he stopped for a while and smiled saying 'FSM is really important!'  That's right, FSM is a partner nation with RMI, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, New Zealand and Australia. 

And new members New Caledonia and French Polynesia are now part of the Forum.  Welcome fellow Pacific Islanders!

Meanwhile during the PIFS meeting, in other parts of Micronesia that are not considered Micronesia by the inhabitants, some negative press for Micronesia!
Guam Governor Eddie Baza Calvo had some strong words for FSM Government officials but the comments from his supporters were even stronger! It's the same old story from the Guamanians.  It's as old as the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (which doesn't exist anymore).  We went our own way.  We chose our path.  They chose theirs.  The Guamanians have never considered themselves our equals - brothers / sisters.  But while they were busy chasing the 'American Dream' we were chasing the 'Sovereign Nation Dream'... and now we have a President, a Congress, Diplomatic missions abroad, and a seat on the UN, PIFS, SIS, ACP, PIDF, etc, etc.  We also have a compact of free association with the United States of America... "WITH" .... take note of that word. 
So, I wish the people of Guam all the best.  I'll leave with a comment made by FSM Speaker Hon Wesley Simina and he said
"Although I sympathize with the governor of Guam's efforts to deal with a number of bad elements from the FSM in Guam, this is a matter for the federal government to address". 

Well said....


  1. testing 1 2 3 ...Wi-Fi looks good ....I'm connected ....

  2. Just wanted to be the first to comment on this site, lol have a good day/night everyone.

  3. testing 5 2 9 1... tango-alpha-romeo.. over and out.

  4. Since when were the Guam Chamorros ever given a choice in their fate? "We went our own way. We chose our path. They chose theirs" what an ignorance of history!!! Guam NEVER GOT TO CHOOSE anything!!!! Guam is a U.S. Territory ceded to the U.S. from Spain by conquest. The FSM & U.S. made a treaty with NO CONSULTATION to Guam who has NO CHOICE in being a colony. That's what you call "brother & sisters"? Learn the facts pal... Remember this, long after the Spain, Germany, Japan, and the U.S. are long gone, we will ALWAYS be neighbours. Do you really want to irritate the largest island in Micronesia with the biggest economy in the region? There will be economic consequences should Guam get a chance to determine its own political future and should it take offence against the current FSM attitude

    1. To Mr. Adrian Cruz : Sounds like a threat, 'brother'.. O wait you Chammoros have been doing that for ages already.. Well, brother, here is another 'fact', because of your nation or group of islands current economy.. Quite a lot of Chammoros have become stuck up rich ignorant racist people like the guys they claim never gave them a 'choice.' So Guam can try to claim innocence all they want, but people like those from FSM can atleast sleep good at night knowing that while we be hated by 2 faced fools, we have a place in paradise and don't need no money to prove what kind of 'brothers or sisters' we are.

    2. well said well said..may our rich lord bless everyone..

    3. Really? Cause the way they see things. Guamanians (especially the governors) show more attitude towards FSM people more than FSM shows to Guamanians. Guam wasn't given a choice? Please. Don't try and play Guam as a victim cause we did have a choice, but our government chose to stay with the US and have their help. Fsm never got help the way Guam did, so don't be acting like a spoiled brat and looking down on FSM when they're doing something good for their community. Guam could've been apart of it, but the governor brushing off and bad mouthing FSM already speaks of how he thinks of FSM. So unless you want FSM to change their attitude towards you (which I highly don't think they have to) Guam should start changing your attitude towards them FIRST. FSM people are the nicest and forgiving people I know. Know them and their suffering before you judge.

      A girl from both sides.

  5. Yes. Well said. And yes fsm (micronesians) on guam have a hard time because of the racial discriminations towards us.

  6. Guam deportation should be in consideration mr president,nd secretary of justice fsm..

  7. Guam deportation should be in consideration mr president,nd secretary of justice fsm..

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. And again, please read it carefully, or go to the U.s governments websites or call them up so that you could better understand the facts about Guam'. The facts that people all know 103% that Guam sold their lands or should say island to the United States for military purposes and etc. It shows or says in their agreements between Guam Micronesia and U.s. always be informed of the facts and make sure you advertise it so that people like you could learn from it. It's basic and very easy to know, oh and again!! Tell the U.s to stop the Military build ups, if you can't then please shhhhhhh!...

    1. Facts about FSM'.
      Independent nation and proud to be, very strong economic wide and etc.

      Guam Facts:
      People sold their lands, properties, and etc for #1. Money and also U.s owns most of the Guams. Political status shows and tells the facts about it, the agreements and etc.

    2. Facts about FSM'.
      Independent nation and proud to be, very strong economic wide and etc.

      Guam Facts:
      People sold their lands, properties, and etc for #1. Money and also U.s owns most of the Guams. Political status shows and tells the facts about it, the agreements and etc.

  10. Fact remains that we're neighbors and despite our political differences and choices (if not clichés) we should continue to do what neighbors do and that is to love one another and continue to help each other out! Without Guam, FSM would not have been able to stand on its own feet... old folks of Guam been always helpful to Micronesians, knowing that they're also Micronesians... I'd say FSM criminals should be deported back to wherever in the FSM they came from and serve out the remaining of their terms.

    1. Well said, you sounded more presidential than our leaders. Do they really want to pick a fight with GovGuam? After support ing a vast number of Micronesian seeking better health care, education, and employment in Guam?

    2. Exactly.. Why going through all this arguing and all. I'm fsm and I totally agree with this deporting thing. I mean do we really want these crazy criminals back on the road. Let's not hate each other guys and love one another.

  11. If you all go to Church on Sunday Please ask the God to forgive you and suspend yourselves from taking sacrament because all this talk of hate is a violation of commandment"thou shall love thy neighbor as thy self".Sometimes not say anything says alot. Also to the people of FSM "the Lord said this if you get slapped on the cheek turn and let them slap the other" this is Karma. Let them see the fruits of your labor and love.

  12. My sister live in Guam and she said the racism is so strong towards FSM immigrant. I have relatives who live in Hawaii and its the same thing there. Even the government officials on both Guam and FSM are bad mouthing citizens of Micronesia. Instead of arquing over who did what and who chose what path,we all should treat each other has equals. My sister cant even reenstate her drivers license in guam because they demand that she have to go back to yap and get a form from the DMV.

  13. If you all go to Church on Sunday Please ask the God to forgive you and suspend yourselves from taking sacrament because all this talk of hate is a violation of commandment"thou shall love thy neighbor as thy self".Sometimes not say anything says alot. Also to the people of FSM "the Lord said this if you get slapped on the cheek turn and let them slap the other" this is Karma. Let them see the fruits of your labor and love.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Not racial discrimination. It's cause of the chuukees that break the law and drink till they fight everything. How about you stop coming to Guam if you feel that way about the people of Guam?

    1. I don't feel that's right to label all Chuukese in that category. I moved to Guam when I was 4 and lived in Agat til I graduated HS and furthered education in the Utah. I understand there are bad apples amongst the good ones. I love Chamorros and their food. We are just people are in search of a better life. They will keep coming. Educate them, assimilate them to the lifestyles and cultures. side note....Wtf Government from both sides?!

    2. I don't feel that's right to label all Chuukese in that category. I moved to Guam when I was 4 and lived in Agat til I graduated HS and furthered education in the Utah. I understand there are bad apples amongst the good ones. I love Chamorros and their food. We are just people are in search of a better life. They will keep coming. Educate them, assimilate them to the lifestyles and cultures. side note....Wtf Government from both sides?!

  16. Hey unknown how about you just shut that mouth of yours.....I'll tell you something else.we FSM citizen we can go anywhere we want to.oh and it's funny cause guamian people need us passport to travel aroun the world....Us FSM we use our own passport to beat that you dirty mouth!!!!

    1. Koncy Kapwich, that's the kind of attitude that gives people reasons to not like us Micronesians. If FSM citizens can go anywhere they want then why not go straight to US mainland instead of Guam? Why go to another place and be disrespectful? Try that attitude in the mainland and see how far you'll go.

    2. Its called Money. Or lack of it. Hence the pit stop.

    3. Its called Money. Or lack of it. Hence the pit stop.

    4. Oh yeah? Wow...

    5. Oh yeah? Wow...

  17. This reaffirms my belief on the arrogance of the FSM leadership and their perception of Guam and our people. Essentially, their mindset is that our COFA ills with FSM citizens are with the Federal government and we are only a Territory. Their arrogance even alludes that they are a soverign country and have a better deal than Guam with their Free Association status. Despite their arrogance and indifference.....the FSM government has grossly failed its citizens and Guam!

    Their leadership has forgotten that Guam (local government) continues to help the FSM cause at our dime. We even allow for FSM elections to be held on Guam using our resources/facilities without even filing with the election commission, taxation or providing a bond to DPW for their signs being publicly posted. When there is a catastrophic event in the's Guam that comes to the rescue. Beefing up educational and hospital capacity in the's Guam's people and NGO's to aide. For migrants entering medical, education, social services mostly paid for by Guam's government....and, who is the government of Guam? It's the people of Guam!!! Guam has given and shared.....please FSM government.....don't forget that; and, don't bite the hand of one of your biggest sources to FSM's beneficiary!!!!

    FSM migrants are pushing government agencies and local resources ‘to the breaking point.’ But, it's ok provided that migrants end up socially assimilating and follow the rules/laws. The U.S. through the 10th Amendment will not interfere as much as possible on Guam's actions to cope with COFA's migrant challenges. Guam ONLY asks that the FSM government own up to its people by aggressively outreaching and educationing. Besides, the federal government has provided the necessary foundation assuring that all COFA migrants are setup for success.

    FSM need to take a proactive approach and become more aggressive in what's happening. Don't be fulhardy as to what little pride there is to hang on to. Hopefully, FSM migrants with skills and education obtained on Guam may return back and contribute to FSM's it stands, I gravely doubt that anytime soon.

    1. You are right. Guam has done a lot throughout the years. I'm very grateful for Guam and the people, most of them. I feel these newer officials aren't focused in that direction. This article although proud of the steps FSM is taking has a touch of arrogance within it and it made me cringe.
      I'm not about the racial battle or what island or nation is best. I believe there should be more accountability on the FSM side when it comes to their citizens and behaviors and should be their responsibility to educate their people before they leave the island and how to assimilate to these new locations. Laws of the destination and proper conduct should be discussed in these assimilations.
      Blame shifting will get us no where people. Live&Love

    2. You are right. Guam has done a lot throughout the years. I'm very grateful for Guam and the people, most of them. I feel these newer officials aren't focused in that direction. This article although proud of the steps FSM is taking has a touch of arrogance within it and it made me cringe.
      I'm not about the racial battle or what island or nation is best. I believe there should be more accountability on the FSM side when it comes to their citizens and behaviors and should be their responsibility to educate their people before they leave the island and how to assimilate to these new locations. Laws of the destination and proper conduct should be discussed in these assimilations.
      Blame shifting will get us no where people. Live&Love

  18. Generalizations on either end are like the pot calling the kettle black. There is no way to move foward if this continues. If people assume that the Chamorro people are all racist towards our brothers/sisters in Micronesia they are wrong and know nothing of the Chamorro people. If Chamorro people assume that all migrants from the FSM are a bad element in society than they know nothing of the people of the FSM.

    If we look at history here on Guam. The Filipino migrants took a while to assimilate. We look at the 80's with the large migration of Palauan it took an adjustment period and now they are assimilated. These people work side by side and even serve side by side in the military.

    The huge difference is that the Government of the Philippines or Palau treated the Gov of Guam as a partner. Many of the people of Guam were supportive of criminals being sent home under the law and agreement under COFA, but are supportive for the hard working FSM migrants within the community who many people embrace.

    It would be important to consider the implications of the FSM Government by not supporting the WILL of their neighbors. It seems that currently the FSM is supporting our colonizer and our oppressor. THIS what we must consider and THIS is what really upsets the people. Sure you may have independence, but to throw it in the face of your colonized neighbors is no way to promote peace and prosperity ND does not help the cause of FSM citizens here on Guam. It only stands to increase the gap between our people.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you for pointing out that Guam has done a lot for the people of FSM and you are absolutely right about that as it is obvious by the number of FSM citizens who migrate to Guam every year for education, employment, medical purposes, or simply seeking better opportunities. Yes, it is also true that in times of needs Guam shows up and provides a lending hand to the FSM and it works both ways. There were times in the past where Guam was devastated by typhoons and FSM sent people out to Guam to help restore power and other public infrastructures. So it really works both ways, we help each other out in times of needs as it is needed of us as neighbors but the problem started when Governor Calvo took on the responsibility of sending convicted FSM citizens back to FSM without really considering the negative implications of his actions. FSM citizens are once again being targeted as puppets in furthering Governor Calvo's political agenda. FSM citizens have again been pushed around as if we were some sort of creatures simply because of the behaviors of a few of us who had been convicted of crimes. We tend to forget all the good things which we strive to accomplish as loyal members of the Guam community. We are way better of working together as neighbors then to be arguing with each other. History itself shows that in times of need we work together as Micronesians and not just during catastrophic events but also in other areas. One example is the long history of sharing of cultural information and knowledge which we had done in the past like the revival of canoe carving and traditional navigation in Guam which Guam owes it to the people of Polowat (an outer island of Chuuk), the same group of people who are being mistreated widely by the people of Guam and now Governor Calvo has taken it to the next level. Where's the Micronesian Love? Our geographical locations are not decided by us but the Man above so the leaders from both sides should think twice about going to war with each other and figure out a solution that will best address the needs of both FSM and Guam. Thank you.

  20. Yes guam has helped alot towards the fsm people. Great huge amount of love for the people of guam for the help they have provided towards the neighboring island. "BUT" i quote....
    Guam has also given many people (fsm people) a great deal of stress and, in that we return the stress. Why? Because when we go and seek for help, fingers are pointing everywhere, giving us a run around and making an application (for whatever your trying to apply for) harder to fill, finish, and turn in. So what should have been done in hours, took weeks because help is lacked where help is needed.

    Yes there are people who feel the struggle step in and lend a helpful hand, but there are more who decide that its not worth their time and effort to help when help is needed.

    But all the same. Guam is still our neighbor so respect the locals for the help they have given. :)

  21. I really don't understand why people are getting all worked up because of deportation. This has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with crimes committed by individuals. And it's not only FSM people that the governor is sending back home. Deportation has been happening for years. Why is it such an issue now? Yes, Guam Gov may have said things he shouldn't have but he's only human. He has been seeking help from the US to the islands itself, to no avail. I support deportation no matter where a person is from even if they were Palauan like myself. Put yourselves in any Chamorro's shoes. How would you like it if someone from another country or 'island' disrespect you, your people, and your home? As an islander or Micronesian myself, I  would do anything to chase a disrespectful foreigner out. Why wouldn't any Chamorro do the same? We have to remember that although Guam is a US territory, they have their own people and we need to respect them and their home. We can't always blame them for being the way they are. Maybe the change should start from us. Just because it's a US territory, it doesn't give us the right to come here, take advantage, break laws, and disrespect.

    1. Amen. Give respect; get respect. Please do not forget why you left those islands in the first place.

    2. Amen. Give respect; get respect. Please do not forget why you left those islands in the first place.

  22. This is my opinion. It's not about race it's about the crime. If people would step back and understand what the Governor is doing to protect the people of Guam, then it's not about race. Deporting criminals!!!! That's it!!! Protecting the people of Guam includes all the people who have made Guam their home. Chamorros, Paluans, Filipinos, Japanese, Koreans, and yes, FSM. So stop the hate. Stop the bad mouthing of what our Governor is trying to keep the island safe. If you still believe that it's about racism then so be it you too have a right to your own opinion. But don't come to Guam, and commit crimes that hurt the people of Guam. I suggest the Governor state numbers. How many prisoners are FSM, Paluans, Filipinos, etc. maybe a clearer picture of how bad the situation is. Let's see some statistics. And then FSM may realize how serious the situation is here in Guam.

    1. Thank you! We're on the same boat. I'm Palauan and I support deportation and the Governor's decision.
      Either some people are just small minded or just don't understand what deportation is. If FSM can't pick their bad apples out or lend their help, then the governor should step up and do something.
      The governor is only doing what every island leader would try and do for their own island. But I guess some people are just ignorant or don't understand.

    2. Right. Its not even about Race at that point.
