Thursday, 1 September 2016

The move toward self determination, Humility and detained vessels (chinese)

What's going on Guam?
"The Independence for Guahan Task Force is one of three commission task forces charged with spearheading efforts to educate and inform Guam about the three political status options available to the island’s residents, should a plebiscite be held"

So here we go again with de-colonization.  Guam has been a "part" of the US since the end of the Spanish-American war over a 100 years ago.  Still they can't vote in national elections!! They were invaded by Japan... re-taken with devastation to their island and loss of life... Still they can't vote in national elections! They got planes, submarines, Marines, Army, bombers, missle things and still no voting for President...
So in the latest case regarding self-determination and decolonization a non-Chamorro man sued GovGuam after he was not allowed to register to participate in the self-determination plebiscite... Confusing! A US citizen who lives on Guam, can't vote with other US citizens (chamorros) on self determination because he is a non-Chamorro. 

Speaking of Guam... A nice Chuukese Woman in Guam is speaking out about the deportations.  I say nice because she is respectful and humble and appeals to our kinder, gentler side with words like these:
"I really respect the Governor all the leaders. I respect every Chamorro people. I am just a guest here and I respect them as a guest that’s why I've been very careful to follow the laws and to be the best that I can be because we are all guests coming here so we grew up back home we are nurtured in respectful [ways] and how we really have to be just a good citizen as we can be," said Konchita adding, "I really respect Governor. I really respect all the leaders. It's just that sometimes we really have to look at the way we deal with our work as leaders. We are there for the people and from the people to nurture life to be the best we can serve and we can lead."

What can you say about that? Kinisou Chapur :) for showing the kind, respectful, gentle side of Chuuk. 

In the FSM capital of Pohnpei preparations are under way for the 47th Pacific Islands Forums leaders meeting 7 - 11 September.  Lots of coverage from Pohnpei in the next couple of days....

In Yap, a "Chinese research vessel" was caught and brought into Colonia.. Aren't we friends with these guys?  :)  Anyways, conflicting stories out there, but the story speaks for itself.. or does it?

From time to time, I like to check up on our law-making body and see what they are up to. They seem to be pretty busy accepting grants, resolving this and that and even confirming appointments. 
By the way, congratulations to the new Pohnpei State AG, Exec Director of Housing and Election Commissioner.  You can read about it on the Pohnpei Met site along with new board of education members, EPA board member and members of Pohnpei Public Broadcasting corporation... Congrats!

Here's another great opportunity for us: Australia-Pacific Technical College scholarships/airfare and international training! 

Have a great weekend!


  1. Request, message me please.
    This is my Facebook name EKay K Refalopei

  2. Request, message me please.
    This is my Facebook name EKay K Refalopei
